Workable Web3 Summit - Towards Blockchain Usability 2024-02-29

From Edd's Almanac
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Event Name: Workable Web3 Summit - Towards Blockchain Usability
Parent Event: ETHDenver
Year: 2024
City: Denver, Colorado
Start Date: 2024-02-29
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 6:00 PM
Duration: 8 Hours
Event Category Emojis: 🗣️ 💼
Street Address: Registration and approval required for address
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RSVP: Required
Starting Ticket Price: Free
F&B Options: No Info Available
Host 1: Virtual Labs
Host 2: Manta Network
Host 3: CoChilli
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Notes: ​Workable is all about bringing together innovators in the fields of interoperability, scalability, and useability to promote mainstream adoption. Together, these three characteristics define what #Workable is. If you are interested in investing in demo day and hacker house builders, partnering with large ecosystems, or earning $500 in free prizes through our live trading competition, come hang out with us!