Lorcana Case Tournament 2024-03-02

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Event Name: Lorcana Case Tournament
Parent Event: ETHDenver
Year: 2024
City: Denver, Colorado
Start Date: 2024-03-02
Start Time: 11:30 AM
End Time: 8:00 PM
Duration: 7.5 Hours
Event Category Emojis: 🤹
URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ppg-tournaments-eth-denver-tickets-805830289087
Venue: National Western Complex
Street Address: 4655 Humboldt St
Address Line 2:
ZipCode: 80216
Link to Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/7quHGoeGEsYzcQqH6
RSVP: Required
Starting Ticket Price: $30
F&B Options: N/A
Host 1: PPG Events
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Notes: Please exercise caution and ensure that you are selecting the correct game when purchasing a ticket. Double-check your choices to avoid any discrepancies or unintended purchases. FORMAT: TConstructed Deck, Competitive Format

This event will be hosted using the Swiss format, Best of 3. 50 minutes per round + additional 5 turns in overtime Prize List: 1 case in prize support *Prizing will scale based on attendance* 1ST PLACE: - 1 Booster Box, 6 Booster Packs 2ND PLACE: - 1 Booster Box 3RD-4TH PLACE: - 10 Booster Packs 5TH-8TH PLACE: - 5 Booster Packs *You must have a ticket to ETH Denver to enter the venue.*